Following on from our look at the other new children’s ride as part of Project Amazon. It’s now time for us to take a closer look into the plans for Flat Ride B. One of the three new rides planned to open as part of Project Amazon. The new for 2023 themed land at Chessington.
Planning for the area began in May 2021. With planning submitted in August. We finally got to see a little more detail surrounding the land and its proposed ride line up. It’s no secret that the land includes three new rides, and one of them was listed as Flat Ride B.
Flat Ride B is set to be located to the North of the new Amazon Land. Featuring a long slender shaped ride area and its queue-line wrapping around the back of the ride.
Now, although plans for the area do not indicate specific ride types, manufacturers or specific details. They do give us enough to be able to roughly ascertain who the potential ride manufacturer could be. In this instance, we’re expecting the ride to be built by an Italian ride company, SBF Visa.
Top Dancer Ride

Photos courtesy of SBV Visa Rides
SBF Visa was the ride company behind the construction of Croc Drop. Following on from a successful partnership. We’re expecting that Chessington has partnered with the Italian company for the two new flat rides included in Amazon Land. It is therefore thought that the new ride will be an SBF Visa Top Dancer ride.
The Top Dancer seats 18 riders per load, which matches those indicated in the plans. As well as this, the rides envelope and size are very similar to those of the planning application. The Top Dancer attraction is considered to be a thrill ride by SBF. It is similar to the Miami type rides guests would likely find at their local funfairs.
With a fast-paced cycle, riders will be thrown into the air rapidly and back down again in a circular motion. Providing lots of negative G forces. The ride is a thrilling new flat ride and one which is expected to fit nicely into the park’s line-up. Chessington does of course have a similar ride in its Jungle Bus attraction. However, this Top Dancer ride is expected to be more thrilling and intense.
Although the ride is relatively small in stature. Its fast-paced cycle and rapid changes in direction should offer a thrilling ride. It certainly offers something slightly different to any of the other rides in Chessington. With an expected 1.2m minimum height restriction, lots of guests will be able to experience a ride!